Welcome to the Homepage of the Lancer Association
The purpose and mission of this
homepage as well as our newsletter will evolve over time as input is provided.
Your comments, suggestions and input will be the content guide.
Mission 1:
Identify and Locate. All Vietnam era personnel who served in
Company B, 158th th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 101st Airborne Division
(Airmobile) or the 168th Transportation Detachment, 101st Airborne Division
(Airmobile) and all current or former members of any descendant unit carrying
Company B,158th designation including Company B, 5th Battalion, 101st Combat
Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). 2nd Battalion.
Mission 2: Promote Reunions.
Provide information of when, where and what information needs
to be shared.
Mission 3: Provide News About our Compatriots.
Many of us would like to
know the life events of our fellow Lancers.
Mission 4: Collecting and Preserving our History
you tell are part of history not in the archives.
archives are part of our history you may not have seen.
President: Barry
Beard, Lancer 19
Vice-President & Webmaster: Walter White, CE 724
Dana Lane, Lancer 55
Lancer Constitution and By-Laws
Our Presidential Unit Citation
Provided courtesy of
Gary Roush, VHPA |