Lancer 17 Bill Walker: “Last night, my wife and I were
having dinner at our local watering hole when a friend of mine stopped by. Although
we only live a few miles apart, we just don't see each other very often. His
name is Jay McAlpin, +and he flew Cobras for ARA. He and his wingman flew cover
for us on my first "Indian Country" mission.
MR Jones and his copilot Dave Strassman and crew, and John Felisberto
(Flatbush) and I were sent to Hue/Phu Bai MAC V compound where we were briefed
by the Special Forces folks and an Air Force pilot who told us that a Navy jet
pilot had ejected over Laos the previous evening. This guy had spent the night
alone in a really bad place, and we needed to get him out before the bad guys
found him.
Dave and I were still right seats(copilots) and were learning everything we
could from our ACs (Aircraft Commanders). During our briefing, we were told to
remove our IDs and anything that would link us to the US Army. We were also
instructed to sign documents swearing that we would never discuss this mission
or tell where we had been.
The downed pilot was so far into western Laos that it would only allow us about
10 minutes on station before we would have to return, or risk running out of
fuel. So, we were given E&E (Escape and Evasion) maps in case we went down
in that area. Should that happen, we were to try to make it to the closest
friendlies, who were in Thailand. They were closer to Thailand than to South
Vietnam, the closest friendlies. Finally, we were each given a scarf bearing
words written in multiple languages, including a pictograph, which offered a
$500 reward to anyone who would help us reach American lines.
I'm sure that Dave felt the same other worldliness sensations as I did as we
received this briefing. I was really glad that we were with crews who were
experienced, and did not have to take this on with so little time in country. I was still 2-3 weeks away from being promoted to
First Pilot.
The weather was really foul with heavy cloud layers and rain with limited
visibility. The Air Force pilot who was our Forward Air Controller was flying
an OV10, and he led our five-ship mission to the general location of the downed
pilot. Fortunately, we were able to maintain VFR for most of the trip by flying
between the heavy cloud layers.
When we finally arrived at the pickup location, there was still heavy scud on
the mountain sides, making visibility extremely poor. MR and Dave were the Hole
Bird and would be extracting the pilot. Flatbush and I were the Chase aircraft
acting as backup if the Hole bird went down. Along with the ARA Cobras that
were providing gun cover, we circled above MR and Dave as they began their
The downed pilot had spent a long night in a really dangerous place. He heard
enemy movement all night relatively near to him and was understandably
exhausted. Fortunately, his survival radio still had enough of a charge that he
could maintain contact with our flight and help direct the Hole bird to his
exact position. He popped a smoke grenade to show his location.
I couldn't imagine how we could see the smoke through the drifting scud. But,
finally, a dim wisp of red could be seen in the clouds over our guy. MR
literally "fanned" a hole in the cloud in order to see well enough to
hover lower allowing his crew to drop a ladder to the pilot. Miraculously, the
pilot was uninjured, and we were able to depart right away. It was a hell of a
piece of flying though, and I'm sure that both Dave and I made mental notes of
how this had been accomplished and how we might do the same if called upon in
the future.
When we got back to Hue Phu Bai, the FAC got permission to do a low level
victory roll pass down the active runway, and was transmitting on Guard, about
how great Army Aviators and Crews are, and in particular the Lancers pilots and
crews and the ARA pilots.
As a result of this mission, the Air Force gave us a Letter of Commendation for
that mission. And even though I did nothing but witness this heroic action,
they did include me (They misspelled my name, but got my SSN correct)
I had recently bought a camera, so I took a few pictures during this mission,
which are attached. Those pictures are attached. If you can enlarge the photo
taken through Flatbush's door window, you can see MR's aircraft in the center,
where he successfully picked up our guy. I used to have a photo in which the
red tint to the cloud layer could be seen. But I either lost it or the color is
too washed out to see.
Bill 17
PS: Bruce Nesmith added; With David R. (Doc) Smith as AC we went out that far
one afternoon in October 1969 as a single ship mission. No gun cover. We could
see the Mekong River and Thailand. Had 10 minutes to pick up a team on strings.
We made it barely.