Eddie Hester


waiting to crank-up





at Quang Tri –

mid-tour has moustache




Eddie in flight posing from left seat –

no moustache


Eddie later in tour in left seat


CPT Eugene LaFong Miller and

Eddie Hester up at Quang Tri

Tim Delong, Eddie Hester and

MR Smith outside hootch




Eddie Hester Pictures Richard Metzger shared with me at the Memorial ceremony.  He was my co-pilot that day.


16 May 1970 -- 66-16590 entry points of rounds which shot apart the AC (Eddie Hester) seatbelt


16 May 1970 -- AC (Eddie Hester) seat belt shot apart on 1st landing attempt


16 May 1970 -- 66-16590 shows bullet hole through the


16 May 1970 -- 66-16590 windshield with bullet holes.  Hard to see, but with plexiglas in AC's eyes it was no problem


16 May 1970 -- 66-16590 windshield bullet holes.  Hit AC (Eddie Hester) in chicken plate and sprayed plexiglass


16 or 17 May 1970 -- Eddie Hester looking over bullet holes in 66-16590.  Lost his cherry after 10 months and 1st PH