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Bill Walker Feb 2

But a flight school friend of mine who flew LOHs out of Eagle sent this note to me.

Reggie and Griff, I bet you remember Ray Ashman.

Ruddy faced red haired pilot.  (Warrant, I think)

His nerves were pretty well shot by the end of his tour.  I think his was the Lancer aircraft I saw in the Z on an attempted Killer Team extraction that was hit by ground fire, spun around and killed one of the SF guys.


I can't remember if you get the VHPA magazine or not but noticed a Taps announcement for a Raymond Ashman that flew as a Lancer.

No information other than he passed away in Thailand back last March.




I haven't gotten my issue yet.  But I do remember Ray.  He left about 3-4 weeks after we got there.  He got shot down on Granite during the withdrawal and while hiding under a giant boulder awaiting evacuation, was confronted by a reporter sticking a microphone in his face and asking, "What do you think about this."

His response ("What the F***!) was not shown on the news.

Most of those guys from the original Lancers had paid their dues by that time and were ready to go home.  Thanks for sending this to me.



Reggie Kenner Feb 2 

He was one of our ‘69 pilots. I have a picture of Mr. Ashman in one of our hootch drinking nights. 

I’ll find and post it