Lake Travis & San Antonio Reunions 

Welcome to our After Action Report of the Lancer gathering at Lake Travis and San Antonio. In conjunction with the reunion of the 101st Abn Div Association a mini-reunion and party was hosted by the Ruck family at Lake Travis, TX. I wish to thank Lanny and Melissa Ruck for hosting such great event at the lake and Melissa's mother for the use of her dock and property. A grand time was had by all. In attendance at the lake and dinner on the 7th of August were:

Lanny and Melissa Ruck and their two lovely daughters

Dennis and Carol Duclos

Steve and Beth Anglin

David Haglund

Danny and Cheryl Busby

Dennis Souza

Mike Mooneyhan

Bob Stroud

Russ Balisok

Walter and Rita White and lovely daughter and niece

Ben and Connie Fisher and friend Guy

David Mussey.


Some of the pictures from the lake.

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Dennis and Carol D. with Lanny

Sunset at the Lake

Our AO

l. to r. Cheryl, Danny and Bob

Dennis S. and Dave H.

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Steve and Beth

Ben and Dave M.

Danny and Bob


Danny and Dave M.

And the dinner on Tuesday.

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Lanny finally collecting his fiver from Russ

l. to r. Bob, Russ and Walt


Dennis S.

Lanny and Dave M.

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Connie, Guy and Ben

Bob, Ben and Russ

Still standing in chow lines

front row l. to r., Lanny, Ben, Bob, Russ                                         rear row l. to r., Mike, Steve, Dennis S., Dave H., Danny, Walt, Dave M.

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Melissa's mother in the r. foreground with the gang

The girls trying to talk Rita into something


And onto San Antonio.

As usual our meeting with 101st Abn Div Association was a bash. More of the Lancers showed up for the this reunion and a few, from the lake, had to go home. It was great seeing everyone again and meeting others for the first time. And meeting with old friends from other units was a big thrill as well. In attendance in SA were:

Ben and Connie Fisher and friend Guy

Walt and Rita White and lovely daughter and niece 

Gary and Ginger Bowman

Paul and Barbara Rosenbaum

Paul and Margaret Cole

Gary Whitty

Steve and Bobbie Crimm

Clarence and Mary Confer

Russ Balisok

Mike Mooneyhan

Randy and John Gilliam

Danny and Cheryl Busby

Dave Haglund

Lanny and Melissa Ruck and lovely daughters

Dave Mussey

Some photos of our unit dinner.

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Table with Busbys, Dave H., Coles and friend, Russ and Crimms

Table with Bowmans, Confers and several Kingsmen

Other side of table with the Rosenbaums

Table with Rucks, Gilliams, and Whites


Walt White's excellent tour of downtown San Antonio.

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The gang waiting for the Blue line Trolley

Gary W. in the Alamo courtyard

SA Vietnam Memorial

Lancers at the Memorial

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Tour group at the Alamo

Don't get to close.

Buckhorn Saloon and Museum

Doc Holliday giving menu suggestions

Doc Holliday with the girls


The Memorial dinner with the 101st.

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Lanny, Paul and Margaret

Mike, Melissa, and girls

Barbara and Paul

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Randy and John with his Uncle (WWII) and Aunt

Cheryl, Danny and Dave H.

Gary W., Steve and Bobbie

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Steve, Bobbie, Mary and Clarence

Gary B., Ginger and Gary W.

Photos provided by Lancers on their Photography 101 field trip.

Many more photos available on the Lancer Club and Mail Server sites and Geocities.

Next 101st Association reunion will be in Nashville, TN/Ft. Campbell June 5-9, 2002