Mini in Kentucky 3/1/03

Paul and Margaret Cole, Steve Smith, Andy Archer, my wife Denise, and I attended this mini-reunion last night (3/1/03) in Covington, Kentucky.  There were about 120 people in attendance for the dinner at the Hilton Inn.  


What a great night!  I am sure more pictures will be forthcoming from Paul and Andy, as they had their cameras with them, too.  But I am forwarding these for now.  It is easy to see how the evening progressed.  


This first one was taken when I arrived and saw Andy and Steve in the hospitality suite.

Bill 17

Paul and Margaret Cole, Andy Archer, Denise and Bill Walker, Steve Smith



Savannah, GA Mini

Ben Peeples, Steve Crimm and Bill Griffith

Sheffield, Ohio Mini

Steve Crimm and Bill Walker meet again after 31 years

Austin Mini

Walt and Rita White and Lanny Ruck

El Paso Mini

Jim Ballard, Lanny Ruck and Dave Mussey

Jim in 1970


Cleveland Mini

Andy Archer and Steve Crimm

New Orleans Mini

Mike, Lanny, and Terry

Mike and Terry


Mike Mooneyhan Visits the Horne Family

Jerry and Goatie

Mike, Jerry, and Mrs. Horne



Benny Monroe Presented Service Award


26 June 2002, Paul Cole presented a special service plaque to

Mike "Benny" Monroe for his back to back tours in Vietnam.

Andy Zachral and Dennis


Barb and I visited with Andy and Fran Zachral. As many of you know Andy is Zach's brother. We exchanged information about Zach and Andy was kind enough to loan me some more pictures from Zach's tour in Vietnam. Along with pictures he also loaned me some orders received by Zach which contain names of other Lancers. I am in hopes that this information will help to locate these other Lancers.

Mini-Reunion in Dayton, Ohio

March 1-3, 2002



The hospitality suite at the Hope Hotel Wright Patterson AFB

Bill and Denise Walker

Andy and Janet Archer

Paul and Margaret Cole



The Air Force Museum at WPAFB

Bill Walker [17]

Bob Duesenberry [660]

Paul Cole [6]

Andy Archer [18]


Reunion Early Last Year

Mike M, David M. and Gary W.

Paul Phillips

David M and Andy A.

David M and Bob D.


Dan Shea, Terry Willman, and his wife Karie visit in Phoenix.

A Mini-Reunion in AZ

(l. to r.) Roger Olsson, Terry Willman, and Gene Parks


Walt White and Terry Willman met in Phoenix.

(l to r) Ralph (WW's boss) Terry &

Karie Willman and Walt White

Terry presenting Walt with one of his books


Then and Now  Pictures sent in by Mike Mooneyhan:


Danny Busby(l) and Dave Haglund(r) with tail rotor blades from 1969


Mike(l) and Dave(r) with new tail rotor blades 2001

Mike Mooneyhan presenting

John Donaldson his plaque.

Walt Squared reunion

Walt White and Walt Fuller