Veterans day at the Wall - :o) Hi everyone, these are some pictures of The Wall. We took Terry to see it on Veterans Day and he saw the names of his friends that died fighting over there. This was truly awesome! This below photo is actually a framed picture, that a man had on display there. when I was looking at it I called terry over because one of the guys names that he new is on it. if you look at the soldiers hand and kind of to the right and count up 4 names the 4th name is James Dorsey Jr. I thought that was cool. Terry and Rae in front of the guys tent that had all the Nam memorabilia and he has one of Terry's books in there. This guys is from Tucson and travels all around the states with all his stuff :o) Terry lookin for the names of his friends. still looking, then we went and got the numbers so we could find them easier :o) Rachael etching Ben Sutton's name. then Marvin Screen then Michael Cox then Carl Hughes then AW Smith then James Dorsey stealth bombers few over a picture of the wall with the clouds reflection off of it. my honey Terry :o) LOOK GUYS NO BEARD! lolol now we're walking over to the place where all the really old veterans live from like WW2 and Korean war and visit with them :o). so that was a beautiful time and very sad too. |